Friday, May 11, 2012

New Private School forming in League City Area

There are many current and former Galloway parents as well as those with children currently in local  Public Schools discussing the opening of a new Private School in the League City Area. I attended one of the information sessions and found the focus of the school to be a modern curriculum based on a core of Science, Math, Technology, Languague Arts, and Social Studies. The second half of the day will focus on electives in a variety of subjects and individual instruction addressing the unique needs of each child. The handout is available at the following link:

School Information Handout


  1. I would like to commend this group of parents who have come together to start a new school. What a wonderful opportunity for your students! I wish you all the best in this very honorable endeavor.

  2. I found out that the email for this new school forming is:

    Contact them with any questions. Obviously, the more parents that unite and support this school, the better it will be. They have some very interesting plans for the school and have spoken with leading educators in the local community. This is a ground floor opportuinty for parents to be involved in a transparent manner with all aspects of educating their children.

  3. Please post the website address.

  4. Once I find out about the website for the Newton School, I will post it.
