Wednesday, May 30, 2012

June 9th Information Session for The Newton School at Panera

INFORMATION SESSION JUNE 9th, 2012 at 2PM, Panera in the Baybrook Plaza, at the intersection of Bay Area Blvd. and Gulf Freeway, Webster. This will be a catered event with no cost to all interested parents who would like to attend. Feel free to bring your children. We will have school Administrators as well as teachers available for an open question and answer session. Kindly RSVP by June 4th so that we can appropriately plan for space. You may RSVP by completing the Contact form on the website  and entering "Confirmed attendance for the information session for (# of persons)." in the comments section, or you can call Farah at 862-262-2149, or email her at We look forward to meeting you all.

UPDATE: There is no enrollment fee and for those who have already paid an enrollment fee at another school, we will discount that full amount from the tuition at The Newton School. In addition, all inaugural families will receive a permanent 20% reduction in tuition that will remain in effect for the entire duration of their children's enrollment at The Newton School.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to this session and meeting other parents looking for a private school option that focuses on the children, instead of everything else that I have read on the blogs.
