Friday, May 11, 2012

Dissatisfied with the Galloway School?

To all current and former parents of the Galloway School in Friendswood, TX, please feel free to post your stories of your expereince and that of your child at the Galloway School. Also, please feel free to read the posts at the TGS Watch blog:

There will be more to come. Come back often.


  1. I found out that the email for this new school forming is:

    Contact them with any questions. Obviously, the more parents that unite and support this school, the better it will be. They have some very interesting plans for the school and have spoken with leading educators in the local community. This is a ground floor opportuinty for parents to be involved in a transparent manner with all aspects of educating their children.

  2. The website for The Newton School forming in League City is:

    Good luck to the new school. Parents considering private education options for their children should give this startup school serious consideration. Definitely an opportunity to shape the way your children are taught.
